2022: Whatever It Takes

2022 is behind us. Since January, we’ve focused on keeping Bob healthy while searching for a living kidney donor. 

We have so much to be thankful for, starting with you. Your outpouring of love and support continues to lift and carry us. The many messages, cards, care packages, calls, and visits. Other surprises like a huge crew showing up on a sunny November Sunday with rakes, tarps, and blowers for fall cleanup! Thank you all for making a difference.

Facing a crisis teaches you what you’re capable of doing. You quickly learn to do whatever it takes.

In rising to many challenges, we’ve marveled at our ability to do one of the most complex things, home hemodialysis. In the 32 weeks from mid-May until the end of December, Bob had 131 dialysis treatments. As a team, we’ve completed 90 sessions at home since late July. Our first blog details what it’s like to do hemodialysis at home.

While the machines were humming, I thought about how much “stuff” we’ve used this year during treatments. Out of sheer curiosity, we set a stopwatch a few times to see how “fast” the machine is. Who knew? 

  • We’ve gone through the equivalent of 320 feet of 2x2 gauze pads. That’s a little taller than the Statue of Liberty or 9/10ths of a football field.

  • You could fill a bathtub more than ten times with the dialysate we’ve used. 

  • Bob has logged 256 needle pokes since May. Ouch!

  • After the first hour of treatment, it takes about 35 seconds for the machine to process a tenth of a liter of dialysate to wash Bob’s blood and up to 7.5 minutes to remove a tenth of a liter of excess fluid. 

Looking ahead: Dialysis, doctor visits, and lab work are part of our weekly cadence for the time being. We’ll remain relentless in doing whatever it takes and working toward an eventual successful transplant. 

We are tiptoeing into 2023 with renewed hope and optimism. Our gratitude for your continued support on this journey knows no bounds. 

We feel your love every day! It strengthens our resolve. From the bottom of our hearts, Happy New Year!


Our new normal